Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I had been considering this as well, but of course Simon Johnson gets to say on TV (TRMS to be specific) that lost in the mix amid all this tax-cut hysteria seems to be the probability that it is no longer plausible for the US to continue borrow ad infinitum. There have been signs for some time know that our creditors are growing increasingly weary and in some cases doubtful that we, as a country, will be able to pay off this $13,000,000,000,000 or so debt (pretty amazing when you use the actual numerals as opposed to $13 trillion, which for some reason doesn’t seem as substantial a figure) we have managed to ring up over the last ten (10) years. This being the case and subsequently not knowing how many more billions the government will be able to procure going forward, it would seem most prudent to take whatever we can get and apply it towards more proven methods of economic stimulus, if that is indeed the plan at all. Johnson, for example, recommended an investment in teachers’ salaries and community colleges, which would seem to have positive impacts in both the short and long terms and are also in effect “shovel ready” (I made that observation myself). Of course, we all know those evil teachers unions will do something communisty with those funds, so that’s out.


My impression is that our government is so tapped out in terms of honesty, integrity, originality, foresight, dynamism, ad infinitum, that all it can do anymore is take utterly failed, regurgitated policy, brush it off and attempt a non-ironic re-presentation of it to the hapless nimwits that elected them, which may or may not have been based upon the hope that sometime in the near future this garbage would cease to be what qualifies as serious governance in this country. To be sure, these current events transpiring in the Executive Branch are of considerable import, yet I suppose it is still technically possible that congressional Democrats will… You know, I’m not even gonna bother finishing that sentence. I for one will be taking my tax cuts and using them on either a)Rosetta Stone software for Cantonese and Mandrin or b)Canadian naturalization fees and the sort. Cheers!


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