Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I know, I know: "Why can't you give Obama and the Dems just an ounce of credit?!" Fair enough. As previously stated, they were able to pass significant legislation, especially in this recent (not-so) lame duck session of congress. However, I can't help but ponder the question: "Where was this fightin' Dem spirit when it could've proven to be electorally beneficial?!" I dig on the point that arguably (and pathetically) the only leverage Dems had over the GOP was the ability to be big, bad, mean, nasty grinches and keep congress in session up to and even after Christmas. But one would think that if your cushy career as a federal politician hung in the balance (as proved to be the case with many-a blue-dog Dem), one might think that trying to get things accomplished you could hang your proverbial hat on would be a high priority. Alas, that proved to be much too sensible and much easier to just attempt coming off as Republican Lite. Going forward it will indeed be 'GOP Time', so drink it up, America!

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