Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mission Statement

Perhaps I should have written this disclaimer in the first place, but I want to make it clear that I love this country. I am not terribly proud of this country at this moment in history nor am I terribly proud of certain events and legacies regarding this country’s rapacious past. However, what I do love about this country is the raw potential it still has in spite of the considerable regression of our global influence, power and standing. Times certainly continue to look bleak, but I try hard to remain confident even when common sense tells me we’re screwed.

This administration has often implied if not outright proclaimed that criticism and concern are somehow unpatriotic or even treasonous. I am not going to dignify such outlandish theories with a response (considering how well this sophomoric stance has served them), but I would strongly encourage anyone who reads this to take action.

I do not pretend to be a great beacon of socio-political action, but I like to think through expressing myself in this manner I am contributing at least somewhat to various wide-ranging conversations that MUST take place if any progress is going to be made in regaining all that we have lost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that doing your own writing and doing this blog, even if it doesn't reach a whole lot of people is extremely important, and dare I say - revolutionary.

I've heard people say that "we need less talk and more action" as if talking is in itself a form of action. Blogs can be more than just vanity sites (although they are often admittedly not) they are a democratic means of communication... blurring the line between teachers and students.

I've noticed when I've started to write that I am much better at communicating my ideas to people in social setting than I have otherwise. It lets you get out your thoughts and makes you try to form than in a cohesive manner.

This is the kind of thing that will pull us through these times. I share a kind of cautious optimism ... things are definitely bleak but I think with enough people willing to put their voice and ideas out there and are willing to listen and not be selfish then the changing over from the old order into the new will be, in the end, a positive achievement.