Friday, April 27, 2007

Falsely Held Administration Tenet

Seriously now, how many more times will the White House use the old ‘who you gonna trust? Them or us?!’ routine? When nearly every single former cabinet member or other GOP stooge rats out the administration, it can’t all be fabrications. The most recent defector is former CIA Director, George Tenet, who states in his soon to be released book titled I am George Tenet, Hear me Roar (actually that was just the working title, which was stupidly nixed in favor of At the Center of the Storm) that Darth “Cheney and other administration officials pushed the country to invade Iraq without a ‘serious debate’ about whether Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat.”

Tenet was just about if not the only bridge from the Clinton administration to the Bush one (pun intended) and while he has certainly shouldered a fair share of the blame regarding both 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq, the current administration constantly works under the illusion that orders do not come from the top down, but rather each individual makes his or her own decision, therefore they should be held solely responsible.

I was informed when I was a teenager that passing the proverbial buck is simply not a respectable action to take if you are indeed somehow responsible. I learned this when I was a teenager and the seasoned politicos of this administration still have not learned to do so! One might expect more from the executive branch of the most powerful nation in the world, but this is what we’ve come to – and believe you me, it’s only going to get worse. Who is Condoleeza Rice going to blame if and when she has to testify before the Senate about the yellow-cake uranium from Niger? No doubt it will be some temp they hired for a summer internship or something.

1 comment:

Seven Star Hand said...

Of Yellow Cake, False Flags, and "Big Time" Wrongs

Greetings PR...,

The combination of Tenet's book and Eisner's "The Italian Letter" should provide enough of a foundation for everyone to discern that 9:11 was a a highly evolved "false flag" operation against the American public and the world. The letterhead used to forge the "Yellowcake letter" and instigate the Iraq war was stolen on 1/1/2001, more than nine months before 9:11 and before Little W. became president. It was obviously discussed and planned long before then! Google : "Yellow Cake" "False Flag" P2, and do a little more digging around from there.

The fact that 9:11 was also used as a prime reason for the Iraq war leaves little doubt that the two events were part of the same plan. The "Italian Letter" affair pulls together the actors from Iran-Contra and the Vatican Bank scandal,hence the P2 Masonic lodge in Rome. Since Cheney and the Neo-cons were actively planning the war in Iraq before Little W was [s]elected, and the stolen letterhead was used as a pivotal component of the "sales job" for the war, Cheney and cohorts were undeniably linked to that deception, before 9:11, and before January 1, 2001 !!

Why do you think Cheney ('Big Time") was so preoccupied with discrediting Joe Wilson? There's much more to hide than a mere "intelligence failure" and a fake letter. The truly unbelievable Big (Time) Lies, that will shake the world to its foundations, are now being exposed...

Also, follow the Medals of Freedom handed out by Little W. The previous Pope received one as an excuse for Bush to complain, in person, that the Vatican wasn't agressive enough in helping him in the 2004 election. Shortly thereafter, there were news stories about Bush's brain dead and public requests for the Vatican's help. That was another impeachable offense never picked up by our so-called free press. It is treasonous to conspire with a foreign potentate (the Pope) to manipulate the US election process. Connect the dots...

The NeoCons and their supporters are now facing the Truth and Justice they purposely denied the peoples of both East and West. There are very few remaining on both sides of this so-called War on Terror, (aka the Neo-Crusades) who aren't aware of the great duplicity and Machiavellian character of the Bush crew and their cohorts.

Now Iraq and the War on Terror will soon do for the USA and the Vatican what Afghanistan did for the Soviet Union. And make no mistake about it, the ultimate driving force behind this latest convulsion of great evil has been the Vatican and its secret society cohorts. The "yellow cake" lies that helped start this war have been traced back to Rome and the P2 lodge. The time is long overdue to connect the dots and deliver long-awaited justice to the Vatican, conspiring world leaders, and their criminal associations and organizations.

Be prepared for things to accelerate out of their control very soon...

Here is Wisdom !!