Sunday, September 23, 2007



continuing my meditations from the previous day… so now instead of permitting Ahmedenijihad to simply lay his wreath and pay his respects, he is permitted to speak at Columbia University – likely using this forum to disburse more of his hatespeech.

Now all the stupid NYC tabloids (the post I am obviously not surprised, but the Daily News seems to be the more vehement of the two rivals!) are performing the precise wishes of the Bush regime; get the sheepish, ignorant masses to turn their collective attentions and vitriol from whatever the heck else they want us to hate or be afraid of to the president of Iran (actually someone much like Bush, a puppet of the backing regime; Cheney vs. the Mullahs).

There is likewise the not so subtle connection being made that Ahmadinejihad is not wanted at ground zero because HE somehow was also tied to the events that transpired there, i.e. he’s another brown person we need to get rid of.

This is part of the grand scheme to bang the war drums to the beat of Iran’s national anthem.

I am now damn near pleading to the American people not to let these fascists re-repeat history all over again, as it is now quite clear this is what they are attempting to do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You've got it mostly right.

All of this Columbia ruckus is really just a campaign to demon-ize Iran.

To think that Columbia is getting all these calls and withheld donations from people who would probably support a strike on Iran is quite ironic. Apparently they just don't get what is really going on, but they are playing the part anyway. Oh well, Columbia deserves it for being a nice propaganda pawn for the far-right.

I really liked the part when Columbia Uni Pres. Bollinger called him a "petty, ruthless dictator" (Seems that $1 million salary bought him war drum lessons). Its quite laughable actually and really shows how this is all a marketing campaign. The idea that the president of Iran is a dictator is absurd. He doesn't even control the arm forces, doesn't have anything to do with foreign policy - he can't even appoint his own cabinet mininsters!

Anyways, its clear the public is again being manipulated. I am however not sold that this is a pretext for attacking Iran. The single biggest reason is that the only real "allies" the US has in Iraq are Iranian Shia partisans.

Its an incredibly interesting fact in all of this warmongering that our only allies in Iraq are closely aligned with Iran. These groups are at least willing to entertain the idea of privatizing Iraqi oil and "working" with the U.S. because Iran wants to insure that Iraqi nationalists like Al-Sadr don't gain power and have Iraq once again be a threat.

Therefore, if the US attacked Iran it would truly be the end of the war in Iraq as we would be sure to see a general uprising across that country. Which, by the way it is under-reported that the majority of money and suicide bombers come from Saudi Arabia - so the notion that Iran is supplying "terrorists" is also quite ironic.

If there was an attack I think one might see a real uprising in the U.S. military. The former Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Pace was thought to have been passed over to be reappointed because he continually debunked the idea that Iran was supplying Iraq with EFPs (explosively formed penetrators, which by the way I have seen instructional videos online on how to make them). The military knows full well what they would have on their hands with a strike on Iran.

All this makes it seem very unlikely that we would go to war with Iran. They are dangerous, these neocons (and their lesser buddies the neo-liberals who kowtow) but they are not stupid. So why the mongering? I think its to keep eyes off of all the other shit that is going down (the economy, Iraq etc etc etc) and keep the anti-war movement off-balance.

Clear case of a feint maneuver.

I could be wrong. But if they are really that stupid then there is not much that we can do to stop it. Even so it is better that we focus on the war that we can help stop - Iraq, not a mythic war with Iran.