Monday, February 4, 2008

Serenity Now?!? Endorsement...

Upon viewing The New York Times’ roll call of notable primary endorsements, I am struck by the difference between the Dems who back Clinton and those who back Obama. Those stumping for Mr. Obama generally seem to represent individuals not so heavily tied to the Democratic Party establishment, while the opposite is true for Mrs. Clinton. For example, we have: Sen. Feinstein (CA), former NYC Mayor Dinkins and current LA Mayor Villaraigosa, Former Rep. Geraldine Ferraro (NY), Gov. Spitzer (NY), Sen. Schumer (NY), Sen. Menendez (NJ) Gov. Corzine (NJ), even Former Ambassador, Joseph C. Wilson IV (husband of Valerie Plame-Wilson), all pulling for Clinton. Obama on the other hand has raked in the seemingly more progressive of celebrity supporters: Scarlett Johansson, Larry David, Toni Morrison, Oprah, Maria Shriver(-Schwarzenegger), Caroline Kennedy, among others. The last two segue nicely into his politician endorsements: Sen. Durbin (Ill), Sens. Kennedy and Kerry (MA), Sen. McCaskill (MO), Sen. Leahy (VT), Sen. Conrad (ND), Former Sen. Gary Hart (CO), Govs. Sebelius (KS) and Napolitano (AZ). So upon going through this list, one might get the general sense of the new Democratic guard versus the old one and their candidate race horses.

I was very disheartened when John Edwards dropped out of the race last week, but as stated earlier; he ended up being more below the fray than above it. It is debatable to what degree this was his fault or that of the corporate media machine, but alas – he is out. Now while the policies of Clinton and Obama are not terribly substantively different, Obama simply feels more representative of that new guard of inevitability. The tired old politicians and the politics they represent will eventually go the way of the Giuliani and a new generation will emerge that has considerably fewer hang-ups regarding traditional wedge issues. Tomorrow, I will cast a primary ballot for Senator Barack Obama and hope his message of change continues to flow throughout the nation, yet I fear in the end it will be the Billary Clinton machine that will win out in the end. I will most certainly support Hillary Clinton if she is indeed the Democratic nominee, yet I fear her candidacy will unite an otherwise deeply divided Republican Party, as many have already speculated. Either way, I remain confident that whoever the nominee may be, the American people WILL be reminded of just how horrendous a toll republican, namely Bush-Cheney rule has taken on this country. The status quo works against the GOP candidate to a nearly insurmountable degree and none of their potential candidates has anywhere near enough clout to overcome such a disadvantage.


Eliksir said...

Well said, Serenity Know! Barack Obama will give this country the hope and inspiration it so badly needs. Hilary has no chance in a national election. The youth of the country are backing Barack, and us older folks owe them an opportunity for a fresh start. Go Giants / Go Barack!

Hans said...

Wow, I've never been so behind in the news as I only saw the Plame-Wilson endorsement for the first time 4 days ago. Needless to say I was shocked and it kept me up late at night, penning this letter to both Joe & Valerie... Letter to Joe Wilson & Valerie Plame