Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Wheels on the Bus Go...

Well the political wheels are definitely in motion… Obama and Clinton begin to throw the fiscal kitchen sink at McCain and Clinton pleads with supporters, presumably of both candidates, not to jump Democratic ship if the other is not the nominee. I think the commotion made over these recent polls is much ado about something that is not as important as it is made out to be. The polls are supposed to represent how potential voters feel NOW, in late March – so in the long run, how voters felt in March will be of little consequence when November rolls around. When so much is being made of the here and now, the long view seems too long to pay attention to and Democrats musn’t fall into this trap. Said polls should serve as a weathervane, if not a wake-up call to the Dems that if they don’t get this mess straightened out, voters will continue to jump ship instead of getting accustomed to and accepting the chosen one. John McCain got all that out of the way a long time ago, although that race was about whom the GOP hated least as opposed to whom the Dems like best. The generally positive attitude towards the candidate should return once the nominee is thoroughly measured up against Senator “Bomb-Bomb [Iran]” McSame [as Bush] (thanks be to Air America Radio loon, Rachel Maddow).

Next on the McCain hit list must be the Iraq occupation and how really and truly wonderful it REALLY is there. Amid the raging resurgence of violence all across that country, the true story must be exposed along with McCain, Bush and the other apologists’ consistent insistence that progress is being made, the surge worked/is working, etc., etc.

1 comment:

How Insane Is John McCain? said...

The real truth about McCain will come out.