Monday, January 26, 2009

Back in Black

There are a great deal many reasons why the Democratic Party drives me absolutely insane, but this most recent display of absent “testicular fortitude” [by which the governor of North Carolina once alluded to now President Obama (Oops! - I wonder how much his state will receive from this administration!)] is particularly infuriating. I understand the party’s desire not to follow the example of the bludgeoning governing style of the congressional Republicans, but this cowering in the face of an obsolete opposition is simply unnecessary. The margin of majority in both the House and Senate are such that the GOP has had their obstructionist objectives greatly diminished, so what’s with this effluence of bipartisan spirit?! Now is certainly not the time to attempt talking reason with a party that is fundamentally against it. They have been reduced to an obstructionist party and they can barely do that anymore, so why negotiate with people who are essentially powerless? My estimation is that (other than the whole lack of fortitude thing) they are essentially beholden to the same powers that be as their esteemed counterparts and therefore want to make sure that the next “stimulus” bill suits all the necessary parties (i.e. campaign donors).

1 comment:

c-weeks said...

"obsolete opposition"--that more or less sums it up!